PGx Medical is Proud to Partner with Heartsworth House!
Another PGx Medical Certified Metabolic Validation Facility!
Heartsworth House is proud to announce that we are partnering with PGx Medical to offer Metabolic Validation Testing to our Residents.
We are one of the first long term care providers in our area to participate in this program.
* The test will determine which medications will work for you.
* Save length of stays in the hospital.
* Save cost of medications that will not work
* Save on suffering until you get the right medication
* With Medicare Part B the cost of the test is covered 100 percent.
* You only have the test done once in your lifetime.
* You may share the results with any doctor, hospital or other health care profession you choose
Over 200 commonly prescribed medications are tested in the following drug classes
* Cardiac medications
* Pain medications
* Behavioral medications
The test is done by a simple cotton swab swiped inside your cheek.
Thank you Heartsworth House for your partnership!
PGx Medical Team
For more information on how you can become a PGx Medical Certified Metabolic Validation Facility, contact:
PGx Medical
Individualized Care – Personalized Medicine