The PGx Medical Metabolic Validation Program, via pharmacogentic testing


At PGx Medical, our goal is to educate healthcare professionals across the country on the value and benefits of pharmacogenetic testing (PGx).

Pharmacogenetic testing can stop the “trail-and-error” or guessing by providing information about the metabolic phenotype of your patient that translates into a clinical action plan to guide your choice of therapy and dose.

Pharmacogenetic testing will help guide physicians to target treatment and medications to patient’s genetics. Allowing them to make more precise prescribing decisions.  Right drug, right dose, right person.

This test is a great way to determine if medications are metabolizing in your body.  It is “personalized” to fit your genetic make-up.  It is a simple buccal swab, is reimbursed by medicare and can help guide healthcare professionals when dosing patients.

So why wouldn’t you test?

Clay Bullard, President of PGx Medical headquartered in Oklahoma said, “I hope more doctors will choose to test, particularly for the geriatric population.”  By knowing a person’s genetic make-up you can eliminate the medications that don’t have the ability to metabolize in an individual.  Saving money on unnecessary medications, possible adverse drug events and even hospitalization.

Bullard, who founded PGx Medical has a passion and a reason for starting the company.  His wife’s physician recommended the test about 10 years ago.  She wasn’t getting results from her rheumatoid arthritis treatment, and the doctor said the genetic screening could better determine which medicine would work well for her.

Bullard said there are other companies out there that offer the test.  Most are toxicology labs that do this on the side.  But this is all his company, PGx Medical does.  “We concentrate on pharmacogenetic testing and we have consultants across the country that educate healthcare professionals.  Since our test comes on a physicians authorization, we try and spend time educating the physicians and their staff prior to testing.  That way you know the results are going to be implemented and outcomes are going to be better.”

PGx Medical has partnered with some of the leading healthcare organizations who understand the need for quality care in senior communities.

Pharmacogenetic testing isn’t new, and it isn’t going anywhere.  As baby boomers age and healthcare cost continue to rise, eventually there will be a tipping point.  “I am already talking to organizations across the country who see this as not only a way to improve quality of life, but also a way to help lower healthcare costs,” said Bullard.

For more information on Pharmacogenetic Testing, contact:

PGx Medical
Individualized Care – Personalized Medicine