Is pharmacogenetic testing just for side effects?

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Some may think pharmacogenetic testing is just to identify and reduce side effects, but that isn’t true.  In fact, if an individual can metabolize a medication, chances are they may experience some of the side effects that come along with that medication.  But the test isn’t designed to help reduce side effects.

Metabolic Validation, via pharmacogenetic testing was designed to be a long term medication management tool. A guide to help healthcare professionals with current medication regimen, and a roadmap for the future.  A way to help determine if a person can metabolize a medication, if they can’t, and to alert you if they are having any drug on drug interactions.

Your genetic makeup influences how your body will respond to medication.  A pharmacogenetic test uses your genetics to ensure a prescription is right for you.  Personalized medicine that is customized to you.

This no-cost program is a simple buccal swab of the cheek and the PGx Medical test results are back within 48 hours.  The results give healthcare professionals personalized information for each individual on medications that can be metabolized, and those that may need a dosage change, or recommend you use an alternate medication that will work better for that individual.

Knowing a drug can metabolize in an individual means your patient may have side effects that come along with that medication and that their body has the ability to receive that medication the way the manufacturer intended for them to.

Medication management plays a huge part in living longer…better!

For more information, contact:

PGx Medical
Individualized Care – Personalized Medicine