Our Story
I have spent 20 plus years in the healthcare field in various sales, administrative and ownership positions. During the process of working with physicians who embraced different approach and technologies, I was introduced to the science of molecular diagnostics and all the opportunities it brings to a Personalized Care model.
It was at that time that I started my professional journey with what is now PGx Medical. At PGx Medical we constantly ask the question, “Is there new technology or diagnostics that would work better?” That’s what drives us. Knowing there are new tools and next generation resources to work in multiple disease states is something we want to share with and educate healthcare professionals across the country.
PGx is not just an idea, or a theory. For me and the team of professionals at PGx it is. and has been, personal, experiential and life changing.
Our team works alongside clinicians to make it simple for physicians, pharmacists, nurses and healthcare professionals to incorporate new technologies that allow for a more personalized care model. Our programs guide providers in making actionable clinical decisions by optimizing patient medications for a faster, more accurate diagnosis and treatment guidance.
We believe a Personalized Care Model will lower healthcare costs, increase clinical efficiencies all while improving patient quality of life.
Clay Bullard, President
PGx Medical
The ultimate goal is to provide better healthcare via a Pharmacogenetic tool that allows you to:
Avoid adverse drug reactions
Maximize drug efficacy
Select responsive patients
Define individualized drug dose