2017 was another big year for PGx Medical with new partnerships, more education opportunities, and expanded testing across the country.

We want to start by saying “thank you” to all the wonderful clinical partners we’ve had the privilege to work with. Your endless hours and passion to improve healthcare doesn’t go unnoticed. I would also like to thank the employees of PGx Medical. We have added some new faces to our corporate office and we are truly blessed to have such a wonderful team!

Our focus in 2017 has been improving the life and quality of care in older adults through person-centered care and education. We have continued and expanded our partnerships with professionals in the healthcare industry. Dr. Linda Shell, MA, RN has traveled around the country educating LTC nurses and clinical staff on incorporating pharmacogenetics testing into patient care to help with polypharmacy and the cascading effect it has on our senior population. Dr. Shell has been instrumental in expanding the PGx program into other states and multiple aging services organizations.

Throughout the year, PGx Medical has offered free educational webinars and had the privilege to speak to hundreds of physicians, nurses and administrators via webinar or at state and national conferences. With an estimated 100,000 deaths and upwards of two million serious adverse drug reactions in the U.S. each year related to prescription drug use, PGx has made it our goal to focus on education and personalized medicine.

In 2017, PGx Medical partnered with one of the largest Oklahoma state agencies. Through this collaboration, PGx was able to help reduce the cost of medications, while providing important medication management information to physicians, nurses, and clinics across our state.

One of the biggest stories of the year has been the opioid epidemic that is affecting thousands across the country. The PGx Medical program, via pharmacogenetics testing, has been vital in providing important patient-specific information on how those medications are being processed genetically for each individual. This information has helped guide healthcare teams in dosage adjustment and discontinuing potentially harmful medications.

We also had the privilege to partner with pharmacists who understand the importance of proper prescribing and the risks involved when a patient is on medications their body doesn’t metabolize properly. These partners have played an active role in educating others on outcomes based on changes from test results. We are humbled by their willingness to share these stories and appreciate their partnership.

Pharmacogenetics testing isn’t new. It has been around for decades but is coming to the forefront of medication management. We are excited to see that continue in 2018 and how pharmacogenetics will play a part in the new CMS regulatory requirements for unnecessary drugs.

We appreciate our long-lasting relationships with current clients and look forward to new partnerships in the coming year.

Enjoy the holidays!  As always, you can contact us anytime with questions, comments or to schedule an appointment or speaking engagement.

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Clay Bullard, President
PGx Medical












PGx Medical
Individualized Care – Personalized Medicine
